About Bundle
This course is combo course of Worksharing in Revit, HVAC Design in Revit, Plumbing Design in Revit and Electrical Design Revit.
What Will You Learn?
- What is meant by Worksharing?
- Purpose of Worksharing.
- Creating Central File
- Creating Local File
- About Synchronize and purpose of Synchronize
- How to Synchronize
- About Relinquish All and purpose of Relinquish All
- About Reload Latest
- Restoring backup for local file
- When to open Central File
- Purpose of enabling Audit
- About Detach from Central
- Restoring back of Central File
- Introduction to MEP Design
- Introduction to HVAC Design
- Introduction to Revit
- Graphical User Interface of Revit
- Linking
- Copy and Monitor
- Adding Levels
- Graphical User Interface of Revit Family
- Family Creation
- Assigning Space
- Adding Zone
- Heating and Cooling Load Calculation
- Placing Air Terminal, VAV and AHU
- Duct Routing – Automatic Method
- Duct Routing – Manual Method
- Duct Sizing
- Placing FCU, Pump, Chiller, Cooling Tower
- Chiller Water (Hydronic) Piping
- Placing Valves
- Pipe Sizing
- Creating new Title Block
- Dimensioning, Section Views and Callouts
- Adding Ventilation for Kitchen and Restroom
- Creating Duct Schedule
- Creating Duct Pressure Loss Report
- Creating Pipe Pressure Loss Report
- Placing in Sheet
- Printing and Exporting
- Rendering and Walkthrough
- Creating Parametric Duct Elbow
- Creating a Duct Tag
- Linking Electrical and Plumbing Models
- Interference Checking
- Fabrication Parts
- Introduction to MEP Design
- Introduction to Revit
- Graphical User Interface of Revit
- Linking
- Copy and Monitor
- Adding Levels
- Graphical User Interface of Revit Family
- Family Creation
- Copy Monitor
- Routing Soil Piping from Water Closet
- Creating Floor Drain
- Waste Water Pipe Routing
- Creating Vent System for Soil Drainage
- Creating Parametric Manhole
- Connecting Manhole to Soil Drainage
- Cold Water Piping
- Hot Water Piping
- Creating Water Tank
- Placing Inline Pump, Tank and Connecting Cold Water Pipe
- Placing Sprinklers
- Routing Piping for Sprinklers
- Placing Fire Hose Cabinet and Connecting Pipe
- Placing Valves
- Pipe Sizing
- Dimensioning, Section Views and Callouts
- Creating Pipe Schedule
- Creating Pipe Pressure Loss Report
- Creating new Title Block Placing in Sheet
- Printing and Exporting
- Rendering and Walkthrough
- Creating a Pipe Tag
- Linking Mechanical and Electrical Model
- Routing Condensate Drainage Piping for AHU
- Interference Checking
- Fabrication Parts
- Introduction to MEP Design
- Introduction to Revit
- Graphical User Interface of Revit
- Linking
- Copy and Monitor
- Adding Levels
- Graphical User Interface of Revit Family
- Family Creation
- Assigning Space
- Creating Illuminance Schedule
- Assigning to Illuminance to Space
- Comparing Required Illuminance with Average Estimated Illuminance
- Placing Lighting Fixtures
- Placing Devices
- Placing Electrical Equipment
- Electrical Setting
- Routing Wiring
- Routing Conduits
- Routing Cable Tray
- Creating Panel Schedule
- Creating Conduit Schedule
- Dimensioning, Section Views and Callouts
- Creating new Title Block
- Placing in Sheet
- Printing and Exporting
- Rendering and Walkthrough
- Creating Lighting Fixture
- Creating Conduit Tag
- Linking Mechanical and Plumbing Model
- Making Power Connections for Mechanical and Plumbing Equipment
- Interference Checking
- Fabrication Parts